Five Points Quilt Tutorial - Part 2

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So picking up from where we left off in Part 1, the quilt top is all finished and now you are ready to baste and quilt this beauty.

Assembling the Quilt Back
1. Trim selvage off of Echino Bird Stripe.

2. Cut 3 panels of Echino Dots 16" x 60".

3. Cut the third panel in half and sew each half to the other two panels. Press the seams open.

Assembling the Quilt
1. Lay the quilt back onto a large flat surface. Starting in the center of each side, tape down the sides making sure the back doesn't have any wrinkles. I use painter's tape and it works like a charm. I also invested in a $10 pair of knee pads from my local hardware store and it made crawling around on the floor way more comfortable.

2. Center your batting over the quilt back, smoothing out any wrinkles. The nice thing about the batting is that it clings to the cotton so once you smooth it, it will stay in place.

3. Center the quilt top over the batting and back and smooth out the wrinkles. Your batting and back will be bigger than your quilt top. This is really important because trying to perfectly line up your three layers is nearly impossible and will most likely end in tears. Having a couple of inches on each side will save you a lot of time and frustration.

4. Starting in the center, pin the three layers together with quilting safety pins, pinning every couple of inches. Pinning close together keeps your layers from shifting while you quilt.
5. Rip up the tape and roll up the quilt sandwich and get ready to quilt.

I followed the lines of the sashing for my quilting inspiration, creating a larger triangle pattern. I used a yard stick, also from my local hardware store, and tailor's chalk to draw my quilting lines.

Making the Binding
1. Cut 10 2" strips the width of Quilters Linen Aqua from selvage to selvage.

2. Trim off the selvage.

3. Lay one strip right side up. Lay the second piece right side down at a perpendicular angle like in the picture below. Starting from the top left corner of the second piece, sew diagonally across to the opposite corner. Trim the excess and press flat.

Flip the top piece over and use the other end as the bottom, right side up piece. Take the third piece and place it right side down. Repeat the above sewing directions. Continue with each piece.

4. Fold the long piece in half and press.

5. Lay the binding on top of the quilt with raw edges aligned. With a 1/4" seam allowance, sew the binding to the quilt, leaving a 5"-10" tail of binding. You will need this for connecting the other end of the binding.

6. At the corners, stop 1/2" from the edge and back stitch. Fold the binding over to make a right angle and start sewing on the next side 1/2" from the edge. This will help you create a mitered corner.

7. Stop sewing about 5"-10" from where you started.
8. Lay the two tails flat on the quilt and mark where they meet. Make a notch in the fabric for where you will sew the two pieces together.
9. Sew the two tails together and trim the excess fabric.
10. Fold the binding over and finish sewing it to the quilt.
11. Hand sew the binding to the back of the quilt using a blind stitch.

12. To get a neat mitered corner, fold one side of the quilt down and finger press the other corner to make a right angle.
13. Fold over the second corner and pin in place.
Congratulations! You are all done!
****And Thank You to Melissa Lunden for this fabulous Quilt Tutorial!


SewCalGal saidā€¦
excellent tutorial. Yummy quilt.

sewfunquilts saidā€¦
Great tute....terrific quilt too!
Anonymous saidā€¦
fantastic tutorial! I love the spring colors...