Christmas Stocking Tutorial

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Here is a fast and easy stocking pattern, just in time for the holidays. It is a great way to make a really special gift with some of the fun holiday fabrics available now.

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1/2 yd Robert Kaufman Holiday Trees Celebration (exterior)
1/4 yd Caleb Gray Mod Squares Holiday (cuff)
1/2 yd Robert Kaufman Kona Cotton Solids Snow (lining)
20" x 30" piece of Warm and Natural batting
6 " ribbon for hanging loop
Coordinating thread


Print out the stocking pattern. For the exterior body pieces, lay the fabric wrong side up and fold one side over 13 inches. Lay the pattern piece on top. Cut out the pattern with your rotary cutter or trace and cut out with scissors. Repeat for the batting and lining.

If you'd like to print out the tutorial instructions, one of our fellow Fabricworms has generously taken the time to create a PDF to follow along with. Thanks so much, Miriam!

To assemble the body of the stocking, put the two exterior body pieces right sides together. Gently smooth the batting to the wrong sides of the exterior fabric. The batting clings to the fabric, which makes things easier for keeping the pieces together. As you can see in the picture below, you will have a layer of batting, two layers of fabric (right sides together) and then another layer of batting. Pin in place. Sew the four layers together with a 1/2" seam allowance.

Trim the batting from the seam allowance at the top of the stocking and along the toe and ankle to help reduce bulk. Turn right side out and press. Looking pretty cute already!

Sew the lining pieces together. Do not turn the lining right side out. Leave it just the way you sewed it. Place lining inside body of the stocking.

To make the cuff, cut out a rectangle 16" x 9" of the cuff fabric and cut a piece of batting
16" x 4 1/2". Place batting along one edge of the wrong side of the cuff fabric.

Fold the fabric and batting in half. Sew up the short side with 1/2" seam allowance. Trim the batting in the seam allowance to reduce bulk. Press seams open.

Fold cuff over so the batting is covered. Mark center of raw edge of the cuff opposite from the seam with a pen or by making a small notch in the fabric.

Place the cuff inside the body of the stocking, aligning the raw edges of cuff with the raw edges of the body. Match the cuff seam with the back body seam and the front seam with the mark you made on the cuff. If the cuff is a little wider than the top of the stocking, simply increase the seam allowance on the cuff to make it the same width as the top of the stocking.

Cut a 6" piece of ribbon and fold in half. Place the ribbon between the lining and the cuff along the back body seam of the stocking. Align the raw edges of the ribbon and the body. The loop of the ribbon should be facing into the body of the stocking.

If the pattern on the cuff is one way, double check to make sure that the pattern will be facing the right direction once it is sewn on and flipped over.

Sew cuff on with 1/2" seam allowance.

Fold cuff over and you are all done!

And another example for good measure!

Enjoy and Happy Holidays!
The Fabricworm Team


Jamie saidā€¦
Thanks for the great tutorial! The stockings are very pretty. I hope to try this before the big day arrives. If only there were a few more hours in each day!
amylouwhosews saidā€¦
oooooh! Just what i needed!!!
One Shabby Chick saidā€¦
Great tutorial Melissa - I need to make a few stockings and this is perfect!
Jen saidā€¦
Oh my gosh this is adorable! Thank you so much for posting this. I hadn't found a stocking tutorial that I really loved until this one! Love the shape and the style!
Such a great tutorial, and very simple. Thank you for sharing :)
Thanks for the tutorial Melissa! Very Cute!
SewCalGal saidā€¦
Excellent tutorial. This definitely goes into my list of favorite tutorials. And I like yours sew much better than my Christmas stockings, you've just inspired me to make new Christmas stockings. Gosh, these would also make excellent Christmas gifts too.

Stephanie saidā€¦
Yay! You're the nicest person alive! I've been searching everywhere for an easy, cute stocking pattern. This is perfect.
CalleLillyCafe saidā€¦
Love the shape of the stocking too! I've been wanting to make some new ones & trash the old school red ones that I decorated years ago! I want some ruffles!! Thx for sharing!
Jess saidā€¦
Thanks so much for sharing this! I just made a stocking for my son.
Andy saidā€¦
Thanks for the very clear tutorial! My family has been needing new stockings for years and this year we finally got some great ones.

Here's how mine turned out:
Emily Thompson saidā€¦
just wanted to let you know I'm featuring this tutorial in a Christmas in July Stocking post tomorrow!
Goodnight moon saidā€¦
Thank you so much for your tutorial! I am on my way to pick up some fabric to start making mine!
jesse saidā€¦
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Ginger saidā€¦
Question: (I'm making this right now) When you said:
"If the cuff is a little wider than the top of the stocking, simply increase the seam allowance on the cuff to make it the same width as the top of the stocking."

Do you mean take the cuff back out of the stocking and resew it, making a bigger seam allowance?
The cuff is at least an inch wider than the stocking. Trying to figure out how to fix it.
Ginger saidā€¦
Figured it out. Cutting the cuff fabric 15" x 9" and the batting 15" x 4.5" would solve it.
Unknown saidā€¦
Best tutorial ever! I have been looking for something basic and this is perfect! Thanks!!
Chrystal saidā€¦
I'm totally going to try this when my sewing machine arrives! :) Thanks for the tutorial!
CherylFray saidā€¦
Thanks for the great pattern - it's exactly the style I was looking for. I just finished making myself a set of stockings for this year!

Thanks so much!
Unknown saidā€¦
So excited to try this. Thanks!
Lindsey saidā€¦
I love this tutorial and used it to make a couple stockings for donating this morning. I'm going to make more for the kids so they all have their own handmade stockings this year.

(I also saw a tutorial here that looks quite similar to yours...
Alida - Radcrafter saidā€¦
Great tutorial! I featured it in a recent blog post...

Mary Jean saidā€¦
Thank you for this tutorial!! I just made 4 and LOVE them!
Tori C. saidā€¦
I made two of these last night and had great success doing so! Here is a pic of the results - linked to you!
Wendy saidā€¦
i just made one of these stockings. I love it.
Wendy saidā€¦
I just figured out how to link from pinterest. Here is the link to the pic I posted of my stocking. It is linked to your blog also. thanks again.
emily saidā€¦
I just made four of these for my family! Your tutorial was AWESOME. Very easy, and it didn't take long at all.

My only comment would be - I think I'd make the cuff a little shorter than 16". Mine had a little too much fabric; it worked out ok, but I think I'd make them a tiny bit smaller next time.
Joan saidā€¦
Thanks so much! I just whipped up two in less than 2 hours (and i'm def a novice!). Your tutorial is easy to follow and understand.
Terri saidā€¦
I just knocked SIX of these puppies out this morning! Thanks for such an awesome tutorial.
Julie w saidā€¦
I am so happy you did this tutorial. I made 8 stockings for this year. We've added a new daughter in law and a new boyfriend to this year's celebration. Thank you they look great.
Sue Niven saidā€¦
just delightful. thanks for the tutorial.
morganlyndell saidā€¦
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morganlyndell saidā€¦
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morganlyndell saidā€¦
Can someone please explain the lining part a little more in depth please
This is our life saidā€¦
Thank you for this tutorial! Just made some stockings today! I will be sharing your tutorial link on my blog.
Anonymous saidā€¦
These are perfect! Just made four for my son, daughter-in-law and their 2 kiddos...they are so reminiscent of Pottery Barn stockings..the size is perfect! Thanks for such a great tutorial. I plan to blog about them later this week! :)
Lazy Bitch saidā€¦
Thanks so much, I'm not particularly crafty but this seemed so easy to follow. I've put it on my blog (although it's only pinned together at this stage)
Unknown saidā€¦
This is exactly what I was looking for! I'm doing more of a traditional red with white cuff, but it's perfect! Just the size and style I was looking to make! Thanks!
Webb Family saidā€¦
Loved this tutorial! I made 2 tonight and will make 2 more tomorrow. Your instructions were so easy to follow! Thanks a bunch!!
Rachel saidā€¦
Best tutorial ever, love the size and shape too! I made 5 last year and making another 5 this year. A fat quarter is enough for the body, so perfect. Thanks!
KMO designs saidā€¦
Great tutorial. I made one and it came out great.
Heather T. saidā€¦
Thank you for posting this. Two weekends ago, I made this my first ever sewing adventure and they turned out beautifully! I appreciate the easy to follow instructions. If you want to see a photo of my finished stockings, visit
SBuck saidā€¦
Perfect! I've been looking for a simple stocking pattern to make a family set-me, hubby, and our two fur babies (yes, they get stockings!). I think I can whip these up in a reasonable amount of time!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Thank you for such a great tutorial. I made three of these for my family. You can see the results over at my blog.
tp saidā€¦
Thank you so much for sharing your time and talent through this tutorial. I love the way my stocking turned out!
Sarah saidā€¦
I just made this stocking. I was a little bit afraid about how it would turn out. I have some sewing experience but not a whole lot, but it turned out really well! So excited! Thank you for the tutorial!
Andrea saidā€¦
Well, I finished my first one, not so pretty, but I'm not very good at working a sewing machine. It was easier than I anticipated, and I can't wait to finish two more. I don't even mind that they aren't perfect, because it proves that they are homemade! :D Thanks for the tutorial!
Michele saidā€¦
Excellent tutorial and very easy even for a beginner. I had so much fun making the first one I decided to make them for the whole family. Thanks!
Unknown saidā€¦
I finally made my first stocking and your tutorial was so easy to follow. I love it and love the way my stocking turned out. I cannot wait to make more!
Frecktastic Fam saidā€¦
Thank you so much for sharing your pattern and the tutorial! This was my first sewing experience and thanks to your great directions they turned out wonderfully! I can't help but smile when I look at them knowing they are homemade. Thanks!
Cathy saidā€¦
Such a great and easy to use tutorial. Turned out so well I might make some for a baby present for my niece!
Rachel saidā€¦
I made some using this tutorial and it was easy. Very well explained.

Here is a look at mine:
WONDERFUL tutorial! :) A friend and I just made 5 this afternoon. Thank you so much.
Caroline saidā€¦
Thank you for taking the time to post this! I made our family stockings tonight, and your directions made it so easy!
Julie saidā€¦
Thank you for this wonderful tutorial! I made our stockings tonight, and this made it possible. I had been looking for a straight forward, easy tutorial. This is it! Thanks!
MJ saidā€¦
Hi! Thank you so much for this, I made two just in time for Christmas Eve :) If you want to, you can see them here. I've linked back to you of course. Thanx again and Merry Christmas!
Hi Melissa! We'd love to repost your tutorial on our blog Would you mind if I translate your tutorial in italian?
Thanks! Laura

I made this with fabric I had lying around the house. Thanks so much for the tute and the pattern. I've been asked to make more!
Unknown saidā€¦
Excellent tutorial - thank you. The angle at which this stocking sits is perfect and maintains its shape really well. I used a faux fur cuff with red Christmas fabric. Am sure my nephew is going to love it, hopefully for many years to come :)
Helena saidā€¦
I used your pattern to make some stockings, thanks
Jan saidā€¦
I LOVE this pattern! I made three Christmas stockings for my family last year and just finished making five for my sister and her family (to surprise them with this year on they're getting ready to decorate for Christmas). The tutorial is very easy to follow and the stockings are just perfect in size and style. I love them! Thanks so much!!!
Kel saidā€¦
Great Tutorial! I'm a very inexperienced sewer and I found the steps easy to follow. I made it a few inches larger though so Santa could fit more stuff in it. :)
Anonymous saidā€¦
I'm making our stockings bigger and can do the body part with my own bigger stocking as a pattern but how do I know what measurements to do the cuff? Love these.....actually made one last year :) Thanks!
Trienchens Welt saidā€¦
Wow, so cute.
Tanks for the tutorial.

Unknown saidā€¦
This is a great tutorial! enjoying making personalised stockings for friends, so far i've made a robot stocking a marvel action stocking and a leopard print stocking for my friends.
Can't wait for christmas!
QLT812 saidā€¦
This is a wonderful tutorial no fuss very clear instructions for a beginner of a gorgeous Christmas stocking and I thank you very much :)!
Bobbiejean22 saidā€¦
I made 6 different stockings using this tutorial. Thank you so much, never used a sewing machine before this, you make it so easy!
Unknown saidā€¦
I am really having a hard time in making some, well thanks to your tutorial, hopefully I can make some before Christmas, Christmas fabric is not a problem as I already brought some, can't wait to work for it.
Thanks!! Found this just in time and plan to make our stockings!!
Nanette saidā€¦
I needed to make new stockings this year and your tutorial was perfect. I have the material & batting for 12 stockings cut out and ready to sew tomorrow. They're not even together yet, but they look great!
Unknown saidā€¦
I like this stocking! Thanks for posting this pattern. My wife recently found out she is pregnant with our fourth child. She will be due in December. I know that she will want to make a stocking for the new baby to have for it's first Christmas.
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Unknown saidā€¦
Thank you so much for sharing this! I just completed one and it was so simple! You can see it here:
Abby saidā€¦
Fantastic tutorial! I made my own patchwork fabric out of whites, reds, and greens, then cut your pattern out on that. I also appliquƩd our first names on the cuff. Thank you for these clear instructions!
Anonymous saidā€¦
After reading many other tutorials on the internet this one was by far the easiest and most clearly explained. Just wish you had printable instructions without all the pictures!
Thank you for a great pattern and tutorial. I've been wanting to do this for years. I gave all of our old stockings -- the ones the kids grew up with to them. They are coming for Christmas and I want to make some. I wish we could print out the instructions along with the pattern. Just a thought. You know like a recipe.
Jess saidā€¦
This is by far the best tutorial for a stocking I have seen! Thank you!
Goetzpeter saidā€¦
Here is a fast and easy stocking pattern, just in time for the holidays. It is a great way to ...
Anonymous saidā€¦
These stocking are now hanging under our stairs, and I've just filled them for our little girl's Christmas. Thank you for something so simple and so lovely!
druff saidā€¦
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silverfox saidā€¦
Just discovered this tutorial last week and here it is a week later and I made one from your very easy directions. It's adorable and I thank you for sharing. I'm going to try to make 11 more for my family before Christmas so they can hang them up on Christmas Eve.
Unknown saidā€¦
I have been sewing Christmas stockings for my granddaughters for the past three years. I love your tutorial. It is very easy to follow as I am not a seamstress. Thank you very much for sharing!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Fabulous tutorial! I am just beginning to sew (like this is literally my first project) and the first stocking turned out beautifully and I'm working on the second, which is moving along swimmingly. Thanks for a great tutorial! My family is going to LOVE these stockings :)
silverfox saidā€¦
So far I made three adorable stockings for my family nine more to go. Thank you for a pattern for a visual person like me can follow.
Unknown saidā€¦
Great tutorial and lovely shape pattern. I have just completed four quilted stockings in time for Christmas. X
silverfox saidā€¦
Another 4 made, loving this pattern!!! Thanks again.
Unknown saidā€¦
Thanks so much for this! Last year I throw out the kids stockings because they were just too ugly to look at, of course I forgot. Must make new ones! Thanks for the pattern.
silverfox saidā€¦
Update, 10 made, going to be making 2 more. I know it's a bit too late to embroider the names on all of them by hand, don't have embroidery machine, any other suggestions? Thanks for your input.
Tambra Vandal saidā€¦
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Judy Whittaker saidā€¦
LOVE this tutorial and this stocking! I made one today and plan on making five more in the next few days. They are going to babies in the hospital NICU where I volunteer each Thursday morning.
silverfox saidā€¦
Judy333 God Bless you for volunteering and making the stockings for the NICU. I made an even dozen, passed them out to my children, grands and greats already, forgot to take a picture to post, sorry. They loved them! Thanks again for the very easy to follow tute.
Unknown saidā€¦
Fabulous instructional exercise. This certainly goes into my rundown of most loved instructional exercises. What's more, I like yours sew vastly improved than my Christmas leggings, you've quite recently roused me to make new Christmas tights. Gosh, these would likewise make amazing Christmas presents see as well.
Unknown saidā€¦

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Your tutorial is great, many thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon again, as your information is valuable!. It is a great way to make a really special gift with some of the fun holiday fabrics available now. Best regards, paper writing services
Abby saidā€¦
Hi there, could you please let me now how long/wide the finished stocking will be? I can not easily access a printer so will probably need to draw my own pattern. I've never done Christmas stockings before in my family so not sure how big it is or should be! Thanks very much.
Unknown saidā€¦
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I've been going through my stash and thinking about doing something similar. Love your fabrics.

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Jenna saidā€¦
I just finished my four stockings and as I can't embroider, I used heat transfer vinyl and my Silhouette Cameo to put names on mine. They look store bought. Thanks for the tutorial!
Unknown saidā€¦
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Unknown saidā€¦
Thanks for the tutorial. Also, a big thanks for not having all the ads all over the page. Makes it easy to print and save.
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This is exactly the tutorial I was looking for, thanks for sharing, also can you suggest a few good sewing machines?
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Thanks for the easy, doable stocking project! I made four of these today using your instructions. Came out great and took only an hour for all of them! Happy holidays!
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Alice saidā€¦
I have hardly ever used a sewing machine and managed to make this! LOVE it, super easy to follow. My only error was sewing the ribbon the wrong way, so it'll be ribbon-less but still such a cute stocking :)
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unknown saidā€¦
Well, I finished my first one, not so pretty, but I'm not very good at working a sewing machine. It was easier than I anticipated, and I can't wait to finish two more. I don't even mind that they aren't perfect, because it proves that they are homemade! :D Thanks for the tutorial!
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The Dallas Cowboys kick off this weekend's training camp as defending NFC East champions. The Cowboys were shut out of the NFC Championship game last season with a Los Angeles Rams playoff loss that marked 23 consecutive years.
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In their running defense, Carolina ought to be greatly enhanced. This year's Panthers should have one of the finest defensive elements of the league, who https://triadbex.comwill be using 3-4 alignment. Gerald McCoy, the largest freelancer team that has signed this off-season, was a six-time Pro Bowler with the Buccaneers during his time. The 31-year-old was inspired to show everyone, after the first Pro Bowl in 2011, that he is still one of the League's first defensive fighting.
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Wales went top of rugby union's world rankings for the first time after beating England 13-6 in Cardiff.
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